Thank you, Dads!

Dads, we know that week in and week out, you work hard to care for and support your family. Your involvement in your family is vital and needs to be celebrated this Father's Day. You won't find corny references to drinking beer and barbecuing here; just our honest thoughts and appreciation. Your wife/partner and kids will do something sweet and unique to honor and thank you this weekend, but here are a few words of thanks from us too!

1. Thank you for coming to prenatal appointments, sitting through childbirth classes, talking about bodily functions and other surprise topics that you probably didn't realize would come with the territory when starting a family. Your support during these new situations helped mom feel calm, brave and loved. 

2. Thank you for the sweet memories of the first few weeks after baby was born. Seeing you holding your newborn with a look of amazement on your face is something mom will never forget. Getting through those first few weeks of sleepless nights and long days with you by her side made it a 1000 times better. Sure, there were rough moments, but each moment helped you to grow closer to each other and your baby. 

3. Thank you for all that you do on a daily basis for your family. Whatever your day consists of, be it working at your job, doing household chores, playing with your kids, or all of those other things that might go unnoticed, you are appreciated! 

4. Thank you for bringing your unique perspective and experience to your family. Sometimes, as moms, we think we have it all figured out, but the bottom line is that we don't. We need you and we love you. 

Happy Father's Day!

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