

11 products
11 products
PowerPoints are an easy and effective solution for virtual classes (and in-person classes too). Visuals and content match with the corresponding parent books and help you stay on topic during class. Standard and custom branded versions are available on a variety of topics. 
Preparing for Birth PowerPoint-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Preparing for Birth PowerPoint
from $345.00
Settling In with Baby PowerPoint-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Settling In with Baby PowerPoint
from $445.00
Breastfeeding PowerPoint-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Breastfeeding PowerPoint
from $245.00
Newborn Care PowerPoint-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Newborn Care PowerPoint
from $245.00
Healthy Pregnancy PowerPoint-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Healthy Pregnancy PowerPoint
from $100.00
Birth Choices PowerPoint-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Birth Choices PowerPoint
from $100.00
Branded PowerPoints-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Branded PowerPoints-PowerPoint-Plumtree Baby
Branded PowerPoints
from $214.00
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