Baby-Friendly Newborn Care Resources
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) program helps healthcare facilities equip new mothers "to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies" after birth. The BFHI does this by helping facilities change routine care practices that undermine breastfeeding success. Facilities that go through the accreditation process and successfully change their practices to align with the initiative earn the Baby-Friendly® designation from Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. (BFUSA), the accrediting body.

Plumtree Baby’s parent education resources have been written to comply with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and fulfill the requirements based on The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, evidence-based practices established by the BFHI (see list 1). All of Plumtree Baby’s resources that contain postpartum, newborn or breastfeeding topics promote:
- Breastfeeding as the optimum nutrition for an infant.
- Immediate skin-to-skin after birth and continued skin-to-skin frequently for the first few weeks or more to facilitate breastfeeding.
- Avoidance of bottles or pacifiers until breastfeeding is well established.
- Infants should be fed on demand at least 8-12 times in 24 hours.
- Tips for breastfeeding, including latching, positioning (including laid-back positioning) and hunger cues.
- Guidance on overcoming breastfeeding challenges.
In addition, we have “Baby-Friendly” versions of several titles (see list 2) that have several key differences compared with the standard titles to comply with BFUSA Criteria:
- Breastfeeding is the exclusive means presented for feeding babies. (A separate Formula and Bottle Feeding handout is available.)*
- Baby-Friendly books contain no imagery or directions for infant bottle-feeding.*
- Regarding supplementation (to be used only when medically indicated and supplements should be breast milk), information is provided about using a syringe, cup, or spoon as alternatives to artificial nipples.
- Early pacifier use is to be reserved only for comfort during painful procedures and only if breastfeeding is not possible.
- The rooming-in model is promoted.
*The standard Settling In with Baby and Newborn Care books in List 1 include detailed information regarding bottle-feeding and the safe preparation of infant formula. This is excluded from the Baby-Friendly versions in List 2, but can be purchased separately, if desired, in our Formula and Bottle-Feeding handout.
The BFHI aims to empower healthcare providers with the education to motivate change in practice. In turn, families are empowered to make informed decisions regarding infant feeding. If your facility has accomplished the honor of earning Baby-Friendly accreditation, is in the process, or plans to begin the process, the Baby-Friendly version of Newborn Care or Settling In with Baby booklets are ideal additions to your parent education materials.
Our Baby-Friendly resources also extend to our PowerPoint programs and teaching curriculums. Newborn Care and Settling In with Baby PowerPoints can be converted to Baby-Friendly by following the included instructions in the presentation for slides to hide/delete. The Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum corresponds with our Baby-Friendly Settling In with Baby parent guide books.

List 1 – WHO Code Compliant Resource List
Plumtree Baby postpartum and infant care patient education resources that comply with International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (includes English or Spanish language resources):
- Preparing for Birth Parent Book
- Preparing for Birth PowerPoint
- Settling In with Baby Parent Book (standard edition - discontinued)**
- Newborn Care Parent Book (standard edition)**
- Formula and Bottle-Feeding Handout
- Your Newborn Quick Reference Guide
- Newborn Pocket Guide
List 2 – Baby-Friendly Resource List
Plumtree Baby postpartum and infant care patient education resources that comply with International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and meet additional criteria established by BFUSA (includes English or Spanish language resources):
- Settling In with Baby Parent Book (Baby-Friendly edition)
- Settling In with Baby PowerPoint
- Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum
- Newborn Care Parent Book (special order: Baby-Friendly edition)**
- Newborn Care PowerPoint**
- Breastfeeding Your Baby Parent Book**
- Breastfeeding Your Baby PowerPoint**
- Breastfeeding Curriculum
- Welcoming Your New Baby Handout
- Postpartum Recovery Quick Reference Guide
- Nursing Your Baby Quick Reference Guide
- Breastfeeding Pocket Guide
**Settling In with Baby includes all content in the Newborn Care and Breastfeeding Your Baby, plus a postpartum recovery content.
Download Plumtree Baby's full statement on Baby-Friendly resources here.
“The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding” Baby Friendly USA, Inc 2021.
“The Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria" Baby-Friendly USA, Inc., 2021.
This summary is provided by:
Julie Olson, LCCE, FACCE, Breastfeeding Educator, Author and Owner of Plumtree Baby
Summer Baker RNC, BSN, Breastfeeding Educator & Lactation Coach
Disclaimer: All content provided is for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and no alterations in exercise should be taken solely on the contents of this website. Consult your physician on any topics regarding your health and fitness. Plumtree Baby, LLC does not assume any liability for the information contained herein, be it direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages.
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Plumtree Baby, LLC