References and Resources

We've included links below to the references used in our publications. Where possible, we've included references that are easy to understand for the average person. We encourage you to share this page with clients looking for more information on topics.

References are grouped by topic or book theme.

Labor and Birth

These references and resources correspond to the Labor and Birth chapter of Preparing for Birth.

Comfort Measures

These references and resources correspond to Finding Comfort and the Comfort Measures chapter of Preparing for Birth.


These references and resources correspond to Healthy Pregnancy.

Birth Approaches and Healthcare

These references and resources correspond to Birth Choices.


These references and resources correspond to the Postpartum Recovery chapter of Settling In with Baby and the Life with Baby chapter of Preparing for Birth.

Newborn Care

These references and resources correspond to Newborn Care, the Your Newborn chapter of Settling In with Baby and the Life with Baby chapter of Preparing for Birth.


These references and resources correspond to Breastfeeding Your Baby, the Breastfeeding chapter of Settling In with Baby and the Life with Baby chapter of Preparing for Birth.