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Customer Email Testimonials

I am just starting my doula program. I'm excited but overwhelmed about where to start. Plumtree Baby has been very helpful as I try and organize my business. I can visualize how I'm going to use the materials to teach and inform my new clients! - Naima B, Doula

I work in the nurse family partnership program counseling low income moms and your visual poster set has been extremely helpful in explaining the process! Just wanted to say thank you for creating such a great product! – Aimee T

I love the Thoughtful Decisions book, as it covers so much that can help first time moms get the birth experience they want (or often don't know they would have wanted until it's too late). This book covers the majority of worksheets that I made on my own and that took me a loooong time to formulate. I am in love with it! – Anisa Schell, CCCE

Your products have really helped me show my clients the different things in birth and positions instead of showing them I can show them the cards and they can better understand the whys and if's! I love all the paperwork you have to educate my clients and let them understand better what is going on with there body too. I will always use your products they are such good quality and great teaching tools! – Gentle Beginnings Doula Care/Kristen Ford

I'm beyond thrilled that I have Plumtree Baby booklets to suggest to clients. They are current, concise, thorough and non-biased... exactly what I want for the families that I'm working with. I also LOVE that the booklets are each devoted to a specific component of pregnancy, labor and birth and that instead of having to tote around the typical big pregnancy book, my clients can take one booklet at a time (I've noticed that the dads I work with especially appreciate this). I love Plumtree Baby and am grateful for the resource that it is for my clients and myself as well. – Jenna Anderson, CD(DONA)

I have been using Plumtree Baby booklets, posters, and cards in my childbirth education class for four months and absolutely love them. My students are engaged, and become thoughtful healthcare consumers and proactive parents who know their rights and responsibilities. Way to go Plumtree Baby! – Amie N., Childbirth Educator & Lactation Counselor

I commend you on an amazing job well done on putting together this information for people who are interested! All of the information is presented in a non-biased way, everything is accurate, up to date and very helpful! – Kathy Kreitemeyer, Labor and Delivery Nurse

I recently started my business and was have a really tough time finding products that were affordable.... Your materials are so reasonably priced, I almost didn't believe it at first...I was also impressed with the content of the materials I received. All the displays were very clear and professional looking. The books are very thorough but not so thick that the client thinks they are in an A&P class instead of a childbirth class. It covers all the necessary points and a bit more, but not overwhelming... You guys did a great job! – Kimberly, Childbirth Educator

As someone who is completely immersed in birth materials right now and totally your target user, I find this all really useful and informative, presented clearly and simply without dumbing it down. – Melissa Brides Ockman, Expectant Mother

Awesome! I love all the visuals. – Shelley Bailey, CBE, Certified Doula