Time and Money Saving Tips for CBEs

Who doesn't want to save time and money? When you are trying to grow your childbirth education business, it often takes a lot of time and effort to develop and market your classes and services. You have resources to buy, research and learning to do, and  you have to figure out how to market your classes to potential students. These tips will help make it easier. 

1. Be Easy to Find.

Include the important information about your classes on your website homepage and on every piece of advertising you do. Parents should be able to quickly and easily find the location, start date, class time and cost of your classes and have a way to register or contact you easily. This will help you gain more students and avoid answering a lot of inquiries about where and when you offer classes. Here is an example:

2. Use Templates.

Create email templates (or use an email marketing service like MailChimp) to help you quickly respond to potential student inquiries, to notify current student of resources or "homework" and to follow up with former students. 

3. Create a Resource List.

When you come across an interesting article or reference, save the title and url (link) in a document or as a bookmark to make it easier to find and reference when teaching. As your article list grows, sort it by categories/topics. This is especially useful for local resources that may benefit your students or to help you provide additional information on topics that come up frequently in class.

4. Buy Useful Tools.

Use Plumtree Baby's Childbirth Curriculum to develop or improve your classes. Yes, we are adding our product to this list, because it is truly a way to save a ton of time and money. Hundreds of hours have gone into writing and refining this evidence-based curriculum and the resources that are included with it. Using it makes it so much easier to plan and organize a class. 

5. Get Organized.

Create lesson plans (or use Plumtree Baby's Curriculum) and stick to them for every class. Have files folders for each class that you teach with all of the teaching material you need. Be sure to have all of the supplies that you need in one place and order enough booklets and handouts to last for a few classes (so you don't run out). For more great tips, see our "Getting Organized" article.  

Want to remember this info? Be sure to pin the image at the top on Pinterest! Have you found other ways to streamline your time and save money as a childbirth educator? Leave a comment and share your tips below.

Read more teaching tips here. 

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